
Maine Coon & Devon Rex Cattery

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Litter 22

Special winds

Rextopia's Lionel Richie X Boonland's Catootje


The kittens can get bloodgroup AA or Ab

Pedigree: klik

Many thanks Nathalie for this possibility!

 Born on april 17th  2013: 4 kittens

All kittens have bloodgroup

Name Sex Colour Birthweight Status
Boonland's female red spotted 92 gr  
Boonland's male red/cream spotted 79 gr  
Boonland's male red spotted 88 gr  
Boonland's female red/cream spotted/white 79 gr  



Option      : a new owner is interested, but hasn't made a definate decision. Please make inquieries if you are interested.

Spoken for : a new owner has decided: he/she wants the kitten

Evaluation: waiting to see if the kitten is suited for breeding

If you are interested in the kittens, you can always make inquiries!! 




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